December 27, 2024

Hot Coffee, Winter Sky

Carrying Two Cups

On the day after Christmas, Marie and I went to Front Royal for a little shopping and lunch at Spelunkers. Then I suggested driving to the town of “Little” Washington. By this time she wanted a cup of coffee, and we found a place open in nearby Sperryville. 

We came home by crossing the Blue Ridge to Luray and then wound around to Fort Valley Road, a scenic route that the GPS deems shorter. (I think it saves a couple of minutes if you don’t have to slow down for tractors or wildlife on the road. I avoid it at night though. There are hairpin turns that are tricky in the dark.)

Viewing Page Valley and the Blue Ridge 

We stopped to admire the view from the top of Massanutten Mountain. Marie got out and took a picture. I took one from the car.


  1. How I love this picture with the beautiful view and the lady with the camera ready to take the shots!!

  2. Carrying those cups takes concentration - love the photo!

  3. A coffee break, a relaxing drive, great pictures - now there’s a way to spend a day!

  4. Hello,
    Hubby and I have lunch at Spelunkers. We heard they had great milkshakes. Love the view. Take care, have a happy day and a great last weekend of 2024.

  5. ...a clear winter sky would be a gift here.

  6. Loved seeing the blue ridge from another vantage point...and congrats on being a capable coffee carrier! Little things...

  7. That looks like quite a view!!
    Wishing you a great New Year!!

  8. She looks like she has no idea the photo was taken!

    1. She was concentrating and did not notice.

  9. That’s a lovely way to spend the day.


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