August 8, 2024

The Drought Ends with Debby

Unfortunately, Debby is a hurricane.

Well, I just saw that Debby has been downgraded to a tropical storm. It did considerable damage as it came up the coast. Eventually, it veered westward so there are predictions that it could be dangerous here tonight. I’ve gotten multiple warnings from my weather app about possible tornadoes and floods. 

I picked up some extra groceries today and planned to stay indoors tonight, but Charlie insisted on going out after dark. The first time he did this, we only walked about 50 yards before he realized he was getting wet and decided to come home. At 9:45 he became desperate to go out, so we walked in the rain and stayed outside just long enough for him to do his part for wetter grass. The winds had not picked up and there wasn’t any lightning. 

By the way, two people close to me have been diagnosed with Covid so please avoid crowds if you can.


  1. Na hoffentlich bleibt der Tornado fern von euch.
    Mit Hund muss am ja immer raus, egal ob es stürmt oder regnet ;-)
    Tolle Fotos !

  2. I hope that Debby didn’t drop too much moisture on you. We got her remnants overnight, but nothing too serious.

  3. I live near the coast... had two tornado warning for my area yesterday. Scary. Stay safe.

  4. We had lots of rain but no flooding in our area.

  5. Great nighttime shot in the rain! Not an easy thing to do while walking a dog! Hope no damage occurred in your area.

  6. Dear Linda, we recently had several severe weather warnings, but ultimately everything in the immediate area remained moderate. However, I heard from other places not far away where there were stronger storms. Here we were happy to have a bit of rain. I hope everything remained moderate for you too. Of course Charlie has to go out in any weather... Give the sweetie a pat from me!

    All the best, Traude

  7. Poor Charlie. Poor you! Not a good way to end a drought as much as rain was needed by your area. I hear. Those clouds made for a great Skywatch but I wouldn't want them near me. We are experiencing the remnants now, after the wettest summer I can remember. There was a tornado spotted about 25 miles from here earlier this morning. We are under a flash flood warning and a river flood watch. Debby was appreciated by few, I'm sure.

  8. Good luck and please stay safe. Gorgeous sky in your first photo!

  9. ...sometimes it take a hurricane to end a drought.

  10. We got a lot of rain out of Debby, but that was it.


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