July 7, 2024

July 7th is my Dad’s Birthday

My father has been gone for over 20 years now. It doesn't seem that long.

When I took this picture, he seemed old to me, but I just realized that I'm probably about that age now! Maybe older, oh dear! I like to think that I am healthier than my parents because they both smoked. I plan to live longer than they did, but there are no guarantees. 

Dad was born in Michigan in 1916. He served in the U.S. Navy in World War II, and he and my mother settled in Virginia after the war.


  1. So he was a veteran. He has a wiseman look

  2. Parents always seem old I think - and then you find yourself being the same age! Crazy.

    Cheers Stewart M - Pukorokoro, NZ

  3. We all live longer these days, but I am not sure that longevity is always a good thing.

  4. ...my father was born in 1918 and was Seabee in WWII.

  5. Great photo of your Dad! Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

  6. Yep, so the question I always like to pose to those who believe in heaven...do they end up looking like they did when they died, or when they were "in their prime"? I think everyone assumes the latter. Hope I'm not offending anyone.

  7. I look at old photos of my parents and they seem so young now and they seemed so old then. My dad lived to be 89, Mom was in her mid 60's but was a life long smoker.

  8. That is a great photograph of your Dad.

    All the best Jan

  9. That's a lovely photo of your Dad. Mine has also been gone for over 20 years and he also served in the navy (Royal Navy UK). When I look at photos I think the same way you do and it comes as a bit of a surprise to know I am older than he was in many of them.


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