June 28, 2024

Downtown Decor

Front Royal, VA

Many people come through Front Royal en route to Shenandoah National Park and never see Main Street. But it’s worth seeing, so seek it out when you’re in town. Enjoy the history, restaurants, and quaint shops. 

You may also see lovely seasonal decorations, like flowers in the summer and holiday lights in the winter.

Linkups: Reflections, B&W, Floral, Garden



  1. Love that pediment - beautiful!

  2. The sculptures are very good

  3. ...most people pass through life never seeing anything.

  4. Loved your bandstand reflected photo!

  5. Such pretty flowers.

    All the best Jan

  6. You have a very colourful garden by the looks of those flowers. Lovely! #GardenAffair

  7. Beautiful photo of excellent art.

  8. Loved those fine sculptures, those petunia blooms are lovely. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  9. Sounds like a nice place. Nice pics.


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