March 6, 2024

Ready to Turn Gold

American Goldfinches

Our goldfinches are still in their duller winter feathers, but they're beginning to replace them with brighter plumage. The males will look dramatically different as they get ready to attract a mate. The females also turn more yellow but not as drastically.
Wild Bird Wednesday

In the photo of two finches at the feeder, the bird on the right appears to be male because the feathers over his beak are molting. Soon he will have a black mask from his beak to the crown. Until I looked up their plumage cycle, I was concerned when I saw the mottled faces of the seasonal molt because I had read about eye infections spreading in birds that frequent feeders. I'm glad he's okay. They are such charming little birds.


  1. Te zięby mają nieco inne dzioby od naszych, tak jakby bardziej zakrzywione. Gratuluję takich gości w karmniku i udanych zdjęć.

  2. How lovely, lovely Birds. It's amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Hugs by Heidrun alias EricaSta

  3. Such wonderful little birds - and so common.

  4. ...they are colorful treat.

  5. Love the sweet finches. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Good to learn about the changes in colors/patterns of the gold finches.

  7. Beautiful birds!
    We have them here, but they are so easily startled I find it hard to get good photos. Your photos are great!
    Have a blessed day!

  8. Goldfinch were one of my favorite feeder birds (back in our former life) -- and I remember noticing them in that 'in-between' stage (before their breeding plumage) and worrying about their shaggy look. That was long enough ago that I hadn't even heard about the eye disease birds get, but it was still worrisome until I looked it up.

  9. Fantastic little birds I imagine they will sound melodious! Thanks a lot for the post!

  10. Beautiful shots of these pretty birds. I'd also like to thank you for the great comment you left. I answered it.

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    Kisses and thank you.


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