March 13, 2024

Mild Winter, Signs of Spring

We haven't had much of a winter this year. Only one snowfall was enough to need shoveling, and I could have gotten away with not doing it except that I am obligated to keep the public portion of the sidewalk clear. We did get some bitterly-cold spells, but they did not last long. 

The news reported that "February, as well the previous two winter months, soared well past the internationally set threshold for long-term warming,"  This is worrisome. 

Still, I welcome the longer days and the early spring flowers. These daffodils are blooming next door.

I'm still seeing our year-round birds, and I've also seen some large flocks flying over which I assume are migrating. Here we see a mourning dove.

I had another picture that was similar and I edited it with a couple of filters. I used Photoshop Elements. I dropped my subscription to Photoshop because I don't like monthly payments. I liked it's functionality better though, partly because I knew so many shortcuts. 


  1. I would feel the same had our Winter been like that. Always great with the longer days, and nature waking up again.

  2. Winter here has been non-existent. We only had one brief cold snap and yesterday it climbed to sixteen degrees.

  3. Yep, definitely beginning to look and feel more like spring here, too.

  4. ...we have a few early daffs in bloom, yours are fabulous.

  5. Pretty daffodils and the dove is sweet! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I do feel compassion for the birds, bees, butterflies and all critters due to climate change just turning weather on it's head.

  7. A lovely series, and climate change must have a lot of our wildlife very confused.

  8. Here the sidewalk plows do the work.


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