March 11, 2024

Four Seasons of Rappahannock

Last week I was driving on Route 211 and I glimpsed this colorful mural in Rappahannock County Park. I turned around and went back to photograph it.

 It covers a long section of fence and I can’t do justice to it in a single photo so I’ll show some highlights. 

It helps to make the park look cheerful and welcoming. This is near Sperryville and “Little Washington.”


  1. The four season mural is wonderful. Take care, have a great day!

  2. What a beautiful mural with so much to see. It's so difficult to photograph such long murals. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3.'s wonderful to celebrate the four seasons.

  4. Great find — your area seems really rich in murals and community art projects like this.
    best, mae at

  5. Lovely mural. It sure beats a plain fence!

  6. This is a wonderful mural, good to find it. And I`m glad that you shared with
    MosaicMonday. Thank you so much.

    Have a very good time, greetings by Heidrun


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