December 17, 2023

It’s Winter

Today it rained all day. Snow would be prettier, although it can be very inconvenient. I suppose I need to find someone who can clear my driveway if we get a lot of snow. We didn’t get that much last year though.

Here are some winter pictures from years past as collages.

Mosaic Monday

And I feel that I am facing the winter of my years, as they say. I had a rude awakening early in the morning of my birthday, literally. At 3:30 in the morning, stabbing pain shot through my hip and woke me up. I’m familiar with it, I’ve had it from time to time for a couple of decades. It was diagnosed as piriformis syndrome, and it’s a lot like sciatica. I had warnings that that it was going to happen the night before, with some back pain and the familiar shooting pains. But usually it gets better with bed rest. 

It was awful this time, with a spasm and pain every 30 seconds or so. I woke up enough to remember that there were stretches that help. Actually, I do them every day because that’s what I learned in physical therapy. Don’t let that muscle get tight! I performed enough stretches that I was able to get back to sleep eventually. But when I woke at dawn, it happened again, and continued every few minutes for the rest of the day, although not quite as severely because I did some more stretching.

There are thoughts that you can’t help having when you wake up alone in the dark in severe pain. I wonder what would happen to my dog if I had to go to the emergency room. What if I got really sick or if I became disabled? 

Our days are numbered. I have only five years before I reach the approximate age that my parents were when they died. There’s a good chance I will live longer because I don’t smoke, and it was COPD from smoking that killed my mom. 

I don’t want to sound morbid. I tend to get a bit depressed in early winter, but it will lift just as that  pain did. Soon the days will start to get longer. 

Generated with StarryAI, then Cropped.


  1. Winter animals look wonderful. White in white

  2. Hello,
    I love all your critters and mosaics. I hope you feel better, it is good the stretches help you control the pain. I tend to wish the days go fast during the winter. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. That kind of pain seems quite dreadful. I think that from time to time we all start to measure the days that remain. Blogging seems to be an older community, mostly, and I am quite sure you are not the only one contemplating the day when the end will come.

  4. ...winter may come for us tomorrow.

  5. Happy birthday in between the pains. Glad exercising helps. Yes, you probably should work with a couple of friends to have Charlie's care in place in case you have to be away (for any reason). Either stop by folks who know where a key is, or some kennel with whom they could board him. I know he's not an easy doggie to just jump and go though. But with each year into our unexpectedly longer lives, we must consider various alternative care plans for those we care for. It's a blessing, with a small curse attached.

  6. Oh dear, that does sound very painful. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. It's very worrisome. I have thoughts like this too. My parents didn't last past their 70s, my sister passed in her mid 60s. My parents were smokers, my sister wasn't. I'm serious Linda, we don't live very far from each other, a good car drive but if you ever find yourself in a situation where you can't find any help, please get in touch and I'll drive right on over. I don't say this lightly and it is sincerely meant. Your photos are beautiful!

  7. Hugs to you, dearest blogfriend. Hugs, because you touched me with your openness about the pain and your bravery. Happy Birthday to you in the virtual way.

    Thank you being part at


    with this lovely post. Greetings by Heidrun


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