December 21, 2023

Another New Little Free Library

Edinburg, VA

This book sharing box is in Edinburg Town Park. It was an Eagle Scout project with support from the VFW and VECCA. There weren’t many books in it so maybe I should contribute a few from my collection.

Water H2O Thursday / Skywatch 

I happened to notice that the sky was reflected in a puddle in the parking lot. Also, you can see the mountains through the trees.


  1. The last one is beautifully framed.

  2. What a cute little library! Pretty sky and reflection photos. Take care, have a great weekend!

  3. I hope they proliferate all over Florida and everyone stuffs them full of banned books.

  4. ...the sunflowers are a wonderful touch.

  5. Such a beautiful blue sky. I would say, yes, that Little Free Library looks like it needs some book love - go with your instinct, I think. Alana

  6. I love little free libraries but admit that I have never left or took a book from there. I have found a bunch of caches which are sometimes located in, or on little free libraries. I checked the web site and there does not appear to be a geocache at this library. There are only two caches in Edinburg.

  7. I love those free little libraries. I'd definitely add books to it. Yeah reading!

  8. Beautiful skies. I love those little free libraries. We have a couple in our neighborhood. Happy Holidays!

  9. There's been plenty of water around here, too, although few reflection like yours.

  10. A really nice photograph seeing the sky, the clouds, and mountains though the trees.


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