November 21, 2023

Rokeby Stables

Upperville, VA

“Paul Mellon established Rokeby Stables near here on property purchased in 1931 by his father, Andrew W. Mellon, financier and U.S. secretary of the treasury. Paul Mellon bred and raised champion racehorses, including American Way, Grand National Steeplechase winner in 1948; Arts and Letters and Fort Marcy, Horses of the Year in 1969 and 1970, respectively; Mill Reef, winner of Europe’s most prestigious races in 1971; and Sea Hero, Kentucky Derby winner in 1993. Mellon twice won the Eclipse Award for Outstanding Breeder. He collected equine art and donated many pieces to the National Gallery of Art, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and the Yale Center for British Art, which he founded.”

This marker was erected on Rokeby Road in 2019. I happened to visit Rokeby on a garden tour this spring and it is a lot more than stables. It includes several homes and barns, and a lovely garden designed by Paul’s wife, Bunny Mellon. 

Tuesday Treasures 


  1. Pretty home and a lovely garden! Take care, have a great day!

  2. ...quite the stately place.

  3. What a beautiful place. I love the share of the building in the third photo. :)

  4. A beautiful home and there is something about a curved wall that I really like.


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