November 4, 2023

Llamas, Goats and More

The Farm at Court Manor

Last weekend I posted some pictures of the round barn at Court Manor. I took so many pictures that day! Here are some of the friendly animals that I met. The llamas were adorable.

For a place that was only open for one season on weekends, they really go all out. Here we see the duck race, with multiple pumps and troughs.

My friendly animal at home managed to stay by himself while I was on this adventure. He is gradually conquering his separation anxiety. I left him again yesterday while I went to the pharmacy for a booster shot, and he did very well.

Here is a picture of Charlie with added color from a Picsart filter.


  1. What a fun place to visit. We are big fans of goats and llamas. And we're happy Charlie is doing better with his separation anxiety!

  2. I would enjoy visiting farm and be able to pet all the animals. Love the goats and llamas. Cute image of Charlie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  3. The llamas are just too cute. And the picture of Charlie with the added color filter looks great.

  4. I’m glad to hear that the demons of Charlie’s past seem to be evaporating and that he is becoming more sanguine, confident that he has moved to a safe place.

  5. The llamas really are adorable, aren't they!
    The artified picture of Charlie is lovely!

  6. ...a neat fall destination.

  7. Such fun with animals at the farm. And great to hear Charlie is less anxious...cute colorful photo art.

  8. Looks like a fun visit. Great photos and adorable animals. Charlie always looks adorable. Nice effect on his photo.

  9. Court Manor looks like a very happy and entertaining place to visit.

  10. Glad that Charlie is doing better and he looks adorable, as do all the other animals!

  11. I don't know why, but you can't help but smile when you see a llama! They are so very cute and almost comical!

  12. Hello Linda :=)
    The Llamas and goats are animals that exude cuteness. Lovely captures of both, and of Charlie.

  13. Great photographs Linda.

    All the best Jan

  14. I love your photos of the farm. And of Charlie. It seems like maybe he is slowly getting better. Our Kodi really has aggression issues toward me sometimes. 95% of the time he and I get along great.


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