November 9, 2023

Autumn Day in the Valley

Although I am not an early bird, my dog likes to get up at dawn, and sometimes before. He does not understand that daylight savings time ended and most folks are sleeping a little later.

After we take a walk first thing in the morning, I like to spend some time at home, checking messages, catching up on tasks, and so on. I like to get out in the afternoon, even if it’s just to ride out to the dog park. Sometimes I vary the route to to look at the scenery.

Water Thursday / Skywatch / All Seasons

The fall colors are bright, even though we are still in a drought. There’s been just enough rain to keep the grass green.



  1. Autumn in the valley looks delightful to me.,

  2. ...this is a wonderful time of year.

  3. Luckily our dog likes to sleep in.

    Beautiful skies and fall colors you have going on there.

  4. Beautiful photos!
    It is my cat that does not understand the time change and wakes me up too early!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. When my son was young, he didn't quite understand the time change, either, and why Mommy was wanting to sleep a little later. You did get some lovely color despite the drought. Alana

  6. It is good to go out and spend some time looking at the beautiful area you live in. Lovely photos.

  7. You're def in autumn there! Thanks for sharing those lovely pics with #allseasons

  8. Awesome captures and love the fall colors
    I visited you via LEGO Show at Melbourne Museum PART II for Water H2O Thursday
    I linked up this week with #6. Come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING


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