October 18, 2023

Stony Creek, Edinburg Mill

Shenandoah County, Virginia 

The mill parking lot is a reliable spot for seeing mallard ducks. You can walk down to the creek to take a closer look. It’s an enchanting spot.

I recall being impressed the first time I saw this mill over 30 years ago. It did not have the flood wall then.

The mill was built by George Grandstaff in 1848 in to grind wheat and corn into flour.


  1. Mallards on a pond is about as tranquil and delightful as it gets.

  2. Pretty scenes, love the creek and ducks. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Having mill ground flour, or corn meal is so important to a family's food sources. It's amazing what we buy off the shelf now at a grocery which used to take all these involved steps before we could cook with them!

  4. Your first three photographs are very tranquil.

    All the best Jan


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