October 1, 2023

Rails to Trails

Theme: Transportation

Here we see a train in Waynesboro. We don’t see them in Shenandoah County anymore. There are proposals to turn the old railroad right-of-way into a path for biking and walking. Three million dollars have already been allocated for an engineering study.

I am familiar with rails to trails concept through the successful one in Northern Virginia. 
W&OD Bike Path in Herndon

Not everyone supports the idea. There are still people who think the railroad may come back. Norfolk Southern, however, is not interested in spending the money to modernize those old tracks. 

The path would run about 50 miles from Front Royal to Broadway. It would go through some fantastic scenery. I would love to walk out on the old river bridges across the Shenandoah River.


  1. Hello
    The rail trails are really popular here. Hubby and I walked on our local trail yesterday. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Always important with a good railroad system.

  3. Converting the tracks for pedestrian and cycling use seems like a great idea to me.

  4. Love the railway and train shots

  5. There are many places here where old rail beds are used for walking, biking, and hiking trails.

  6. ...it's happening here too.

  7. Here we need to invest in railways because the roads can't cope and too few people us shanks' pony or cycles.

    1. I had to look up Shanks’s pony because we don’t use that term here. Walking!

  8. I think those rails to trails are wonderful. Although I do wish we had better public transportation options in this country, those old train tracks are never going to be put to use again, so they might as well be made of benefit to people. Bill'ls brother and sil have a long rails to trails near where they live in Idaho -- they have ridden their e-bikes on part of it and loved it!


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