October 26, 2023

Prospect Peak and Cacapon

Near Berkeley Springs, WV

When we went to Berkeley Springs on Sunday and visited Frog Valley Artisans, we were very close to the spectacular viewpoint at Prospect Peak, so of course I drove up there. I've shared pictures of it before, but it's worth revisiting.

We made a couple stops in the town of Berkeley Springs, and then headed in the direction of home, stopping briefly at Cacapon State Park, where I walked Charlie in a pretty setting next to the lake.


  1. What a beautiful clear day. The lake looks very still.

  2. You get to visit a beautiful part of the world, Charlie. Just think of all those poor dogs who spend their lives in a downtown apartment.

  3. A great sky viewing spot is always worth returning to. I love the big expansive view and the horizon that goes back so far.

  4. WV looks so beautiful! Looks like fall colors are just getting started. Charlie, you're a lucky dog!

  5. It's beautiful. Charlie, you are one lucky dog. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Since Elon Musk has acquired Twitter (now X) things have gone downward for LGBTQ employees. You can find more about it by scrolling www.emilysvirtualrocket.blogspot.com. Thank you very much.

    Emily Shorette

  7. Love this, the colours are changing.

  8. Ahhhh, looks like you and Charlie are enjoying the nice weather plus a marvelous view. Did you find anything at the Frog Valley Artisans event? I am off to enjoy a cup of hot tea. Happy Halloween!

    1. Not this time. I bought a nice window hanging last year.

  9. Oh wow! These are lovely.

    All the best Jan


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