October 8, 2023

Morning Angst

Since I was taught to stay informed, I check the world news every morning on Reuters. Sometimes I wonder if this is bad for my mental health. War, natural disasters, climate change, human cruelty, and more war... it's beyond disturbing.

I used AI to try to express how I feel when reading the news.

Well, I try to write something inspiring on Sunday, so I’ll change the subject and show some sunsets. These are collections of images shown in past posts. Over 280 posts here are tagged as Sunsets, but don’t worry. I’m only showing a few.


  1. It is quite disturbing to read negative news all day everyday.

  2. The latest news of war is alarming. The sunsets are beautiful and calming. Take care, have a wonderful new week!

  3. ...I read too, but there are only a few things that I have control of.

  4. The news is depressing, but it has been ever thus, I'm afraid.

  5. Yes, your sunsets did relax and calm me this morning...I had a deep sigh of sharing their beauty.

  6. This was very inspiring. We are all devastated by the news. Thanks for sharing your beautiful post.

  7. It's awful what is going on out there, heartbreaking.

  8. Yes, dear blogfriend, I agree. But most of us couldn`t change this days the terrible things in the world. Only we can smile to each other. And therefore I send you a smile :)

    Happy MosaicMonday

    Thank you so much being part at

    Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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