October 21, 2023

East Side Critters

East of Downtown Woodstock

I read that Shenandoah County has approximately 33,000 cattle.

I have no idea how many dogs there are.


  1. Hello,
    I love cows, they are beautiful. Charlie is a cutie too. He looks ready for a walk. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  2. You can never have enough dogs around the place I'd say! I miss our crazy poodle! Have a lovely week.
    Wren x

  3. ...Charlie has eyes for you.

  4. More dogs than anyone could ever count!

  5. The first and last pics are my favorites.

  6. Enjoyed all your photos but my favorite is Charlie.


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