October 31, 2023

Discovering Sweet Run State Park

Loudoun County

I read that a new state park was open near Purcellville, so a week ago I went to check it out. I ran into heavy traffic on Route 9 because it is the detour for 340 in Harpers Ferry, which is closed for rock slide repairs.  Other than that, the ride was pleasant. 

I came to the Sawmill Road entrance first. It is basically access for horse trailers, but the road looked splendid in fall colors.

I drove back out to Harpers Ferry Road and found the main entrance to the park. The property was obviously a farm at one time. There is a restored farmhouse among other farm buildings.

I was a little puzzled by some things that were new. Our local state park was basically undeveloped when it opened, but this one is farther along than ours already.  Then I saw a sign that explained it.

The property was improved by the Robert and Dee Leggett foundation as the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship. 


  1. That looks an interesting place to explore. It must be great for birdwatching.

    1. Yes, there are signs about the birds, and a small chimney built to attract chimney swifts.

  2. A new park, that is great. Nice series of photos. I heard about the detour at Harper's Ferry, that is the way we go to Shenandoah. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Loved seeing a new park. The house has me confused, with two front doors. Wonder why...

    1. It would be interesting to find out. Perhaps for ventilation?

  4. ...a sweet discovery indeed.


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