October 6, 2023

Checking on Ramseur’s Hill

I stopped by Fishers Hill Battlefield this week to see if the trail had reopened. I couldn’t tell whether the yellow tape across the bridge had been taken down or whether it had just fallen down. The Keep Out sign was laying on the decking. 

 I see that the Shenandoah Battlefields website still lists the area as closed. It has been closed to the public since a gas pipeline exploded in July. It looks to me as though much of the repair work has been completed, but you can’t get close to it because it is on the next hill. 

Battle of Fisher’s Hill, September 1864

I noticed that cows are grazing on the battlefield again. I’ve posted pictures of this area before. This time I did not go through the gate to walk up Ramseur’s Hill, but I did take a photo of Tumbling Run.


  1. ...and will it be closed with the house can't agree on funding soon.

    1. The gas pipeline company is paying for repairs.

  2. Great light and lovely shadows in your black and white photo!

  3. Love the shadow shot. I like the name Tumbling Run.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Your black-and-white shot is artistically done.

  5. Replies
    1. It was. The explosion rocked the ground for miles around. Flames and smoke got near the interstate highway and caused a massive traffic back up. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries.

  6. Tumbling Run is so appropriate a name for a creek in mountains, as opposed to our "Flat Creek" which is anything but...

  7. A run is a term not used here for rivers and streams, but I'm familiar with it from the historical context.


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