October 12, 2023

A Stop at Blackwater Falls

Davis, WV

Early autumn excites me enough that I travel to see it. I want to see colorful leaves in the crisp sunlight. Typically the foliage display reaches its peak in the Allegheny Mountains before it does here in the valley.

Yesterday I had an appointment in the town of Broadway, which to my mind is almost to West Virginia. So I decided to drive out to see the fall colors on the Allegheny Front, which was about an hour and 20 minutes away.

The colors are a little behind this year and have not reached their peak. I had already decided that I would continue a little farther to Blackwater Falls and Fairfax Stone State Park. Since I have been to Blackwater Falls a number of times, I didn’t stay there very long, but I did take the short upper trail to the overlook.

There isn’t as much water going over the falls as there was in past years. They have not had as much rainfall this year. 


  1. The waterfall is gorgeous. So are the leaves turning

  2. “Since I have been to Blackwater Falls a number of times, I didn’t stay there for very long…” seems like a really odd statement to me. When did familiarity mean it’s no longer worthwhile?

    1. I didn’t feel the need to explore, because there was a place down the road that I had never seen before.

  3. Beautiful views of the falls and park! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

  4. We are way behind in our fall foliage as well. But I keep going out and checking.

  5. A beautiful place to come and see.

  6. Yep, time for me to take another hike in the mountains, assuming I can make my way through the crowds. :-)

  7. Beautiful photos I love the waterfalls What a great area

  8. You look like you are just about where we are in the Southern Tier of New York state as far as color. I love that waterfall! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


  9. We've always enjoyed our visits to Blackwater Falls.


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