September 21, 2023

Skywatching from Lupton Road

It was late this afternoon when I took Charlie to the state park because I had a meeting that ended after 3:30, and I came home and had a snack before heading back out.  The clouds were a mixture of fluffy clouds and contrails that had started to spread apart.

We took a short walk, met another dog, sat on a bench. By the time I crossed the bridge to come home, the sky was starting to darken.


  1. I am sure your pup enjoyed the walk. Enjoy your weekend ahead and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.

  2. Pretty sky shot, love the last photo and Charlie is always adorable. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  3. Charlie’s seems to be gazing wistfully off into the distance, perhaps contemplating the meaning of life. Tell him to let me know if he comes up with an answer!

  4. Wunderschön wenn sich der Himmel im Wasser spiegelt!

  5. Beautiful skies. Something has Charlie's attention.

  6. It looks like a nice afternoon with Charlie!!

  7. Yes, the evenings are coming earlier and earlier now.

  8. ...enjoy a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hi Charlie! The clouds in the first photo look like beautiful feathers.

  10. I would love to know what Charlie was thinking. And that first sky picture was a great find. Alana

  11. Contrails, time well spent with "Charlie", and end of the day feelings as the day drifts into evening. Enjoy the weekend.


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