September 18, 2023

Murals almost Hidden

Waynesboro, Virginia

Last week we looked at a couple of pink murals. There are others on the same wall, but you cannot view them all at once. I had to walk around to get pictures that were not obscured by the trees.

I really like the bird by Daniel Rossi. It looks like an angry woodpecker trying to make a hole in the masonry.

I found another mural on the end, behind the tree. I think the octopus is holding spray paint cans. I guess he is a graffiti artist.


  1. These murals are very colourful.

  2. If it isn't vehicles, it's trees! Still, you did an excellent job dodging them. I also like the angry woodpecker and the octopus. So very, very colorful and fun. A bit unique and quirky, too. Good one, Linda.

  3. Maybe the octopus is cleaning up the ocean floor of human junk.

  4. This place is lovely. Nice photos too.

  5. Great mural, I like the angry woodpecker. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. might be best to return in winter to photograph this one.

  7. A very quirky mural. What a pity the trees obscured the view of the whole mural, but the individual photos show it well. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  8. The woodpecker does look angry.
    Many thanks for sharing the murals.

    All the best Jan

  9. Excellent artwork, it's very well done.

  10. An octopus would make a very efficient graffiti artist if he used all of his arms with a spray-paint can in each hand. (Ha ha)
    best, mae at


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