September 23, 2023

Mostly Cows

One of the nice things about living in the Shenandoah Valley is seeing farms and animals.


The first three photos are from Woodstock. The next one is from Fishers Hill a year ago. That land is now inaccessible to ordinary citizens because the broken gas line is still being repaired. I believe the cattle were not there when the line exploded.

Filtered in Picsart

I’ll close with a bonus picture for Charlie’s fans.


  1. I love the rustic charm of these farm photos! The cows look so content, and the filtered effect looks nice!

  2. Lovely pics but the Diggity Dog is super gorgeous!

  3. Cattle in a field have a distinctly peaceful look about them.

  4. Hello,
    I love the cows, they have such cute faces. I am a Charlie fan, he is adorable. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Cows are very animated in the series

  6. The cows are quite stoic. Charlie is a very good boy.

  7. Lovely pics. Charlie looks furry happy!

  8. Yay for Charlie. I can imagine his barking to go with his energy. The cows in Picsart give one the impression that the front greeter is a two headed cow. Just look what you've created!

    1. Charlie rarely barks. He does howl when he feels a warning is required.

      I noticed the two-headed look and decided I like it that way. :-)

  9. ...some areas here have more cows than people.

  10. We love Charlie! And the artsy photos are very cool! I love seeing cows...especially black and white cows!

  11. The cows look peaceful and Charlie is very energetic, and he looks great.

  12. Cows and other animals are adorable, and the photos are very funny :-)

  13. So nice to see the cows, and I always enjoy photographs of Charlie.

    All the best Jan


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