September 3, 2023

Labor and Leisure

It is Labor Day weekend here in the states. We honor the working people who keep society functioning.

Tomorrow is a federal holiday, which gives many people an extra day of leisure time. Here we see some tourists in Luray.

Luray has an active art scene. This mural decorates the side of a record store. Yes, vinyl is back in style, perhaps because digital music does not have the same rich sound.


  1. The vinyl mural is very nice and yes they are popular again. Enjoy the public holiday. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. The first quote is true! Love the mural. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

  3. Here are two words to match up with Donald Trump and his money. Hardwork, Exploitation - pick the one that fits.

  4. ...and in a classic American way, today has been made into a reason to have sales!

  5. What a charming mural. I have friends who have never gotten rid of their vinyl records and are now glad they are back in style. Have a super Labor Day, dear.

  6. That's a very appropriate quote for today and for our times right now (without getting into politics, I'll leave it at that). Thanks for that and hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

  7. That rainbow mural is so special

  8. You amaze me how you find these!

    1. I need a bumper sticker that says “I brake for murals.”


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