September 12, 2023

Camp Jones at Bristoe Station

Prince William County

Interpretive Sign for Civil War Camp

Reconstructed Chimney for Hut



  1. Great photos from the Camp Jones. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  2. Strange, isn't it, how places with such sad memories can often be so beautiful?

  3. certainly live in an area with rich history.

  4. The barrel on top of the chimney is interesting...but in order to get the draw from higher than the roof, I guess it would work. Sorry the cabin that was reconstructed isn't there any more. Without someone to watch over it, I guess it didn't stand up to elements and vandals.

  5. It looks like a pretty place for a stroll, some history, and perhaps a picnic.
    Thanks for sharing at

  6. The reconstructed chimney is interesting


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