August 24, 2023

Laurel Ridge CC in Middletown

Laurel Ridge Community College used to be called Lord Fairfax Community College. That was its name when I took classes there, but I always thought the name was confusing because there is a different community college in Fairfax County, where I earned an associates degree many years ago. 

Lord Fairfax administered a significant portion of Virginia in colonial times. He remained loyal to the king of England during the American Revolution but was allowed to live out his years peacefully in Virginia, partly due to his age and no doubt due to his personal friendship with George Washington.

Laurel Ridge’s local campus is in Middletown and is on the Cedar Creek Battlefield. I should point out that the historical battlefield is huge. Only part of it is within the official boundaries of the Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park.

This historical marker is right in front of the college parking lot. Directly across the road is a Civil War Trails marker.
“Near this point General Early, on the morning of October 19, 1864, stopped his advance and from this position he was driven by Sheridan in the afternoon.”


  1. Love the clouds and pretty sky! Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. Laurel Ridge has a nicer sound to it than Lord Fairfax, less pompous too.

  3. Some ancestors were from Fairfax County. Good that that friend of Washington was granted stay after the war.

  4. Fascinating history under beautiful skies!

  5. Nice looking skies. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Nice puffy clouds with a side of history. Alana

  7. Always something to learn. I think Laurel Ridge is a perfect name. But I have difficulty with new names to things. The elementary school about a block or so away from our house, was Logan now it is a doctor's name. Can never remember the "new" name. Looked it up on Google it is now called McKenzie. Lol!


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