August 5, 2023

A Year of Freedom

One year ago, the first batch of beagles was released from the Envigo Breeding facility in Cumberland, Virginia. They were released to the Humane Society after the government found that the dogs were not properly taken care of, to put it mildly. Charlie was not in that first group but was released shortly afterwards. It took a while to process and transport 4000 dogs!

I adopted Charlie in early September from the Charlottesville SPCA. Now that he has been free for almost a year, he is enjoying a pretty good life, although he still shows anxiety and has not gotten over his fear of going in a crate. I'll turn the post over to the Charlie so he can tell you about his week.

Saturday Critters

Hi! I didn’t go to the dog park as much as I wanted, but we did have some adventures. Yesterday we went to a flower farm and walked around. Mom says to show you some pictures for Floral Friday and Garden Affair.

Today Lynn came to see me. She brought someone to help cut some small trees that were crowding our deck. 

Mom said she already told you about our hike in the woods. There were interesting things to smell. I got thirsty, and was glad to have some water when we got back to the car.

I like having adventures but I don’t like riding in the car. Mom got a new dog hammock to cover my seat. I chewed the straps on the old one, and some other parts of it too. Sometimes I chew on a toy bone, but there is so much noise in the car that I forget and chew other things.

I tried to talk to the gray cat, but it did not want to play so I gave up. Maybe next time.

Look at this strange critter that was on the window screen.

It’s time to take a nap now. Bye!


  1. That is quite a day you had there Charlie, and I am very happy you are now in a loving home.

  2. Love the Charlie photos, he is so cute. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week.

  3. You have a great life, Charlie, after a sad beginning. It can only keep getting better.

  4.'s always good to have some help.

  5. Charlie you are such a great pup. as a kid we would see "walking sticks" & "praying mantis" all over the neighborhood, we would watch them with such excitement. i wonder if their ecosystem has change or what makes them less popular? so cool. ( ;

  6. Charlie, you are making wonderful progress. We hope to see you at Our Pawty on Saturday afternoon. It's not only for kitties. Woofies are welcome too - as are all Our Anipals.

  7. So glad to hear how you're doing Charlie. Yes, your life has greatly changed now hasn't it? Love that you got to see the flowers. Oh the car rides...maybe they'll eventually get better.

  8. Awww, he is such a sweet pup, and a very lucky one also to have found a forever home! BTW, I do not like car rides either- if I'm not upfront and driving I'm just not going!

  9. Charlie, I'm glad you got adopted into a good home!

  10. Great to see Charlie having a good time!

  11. Beautiful cosmos, Charlie is adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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