July 6, 2023

Talking about the Weather

A Morning Sky Suggests a Pretty Day

Our weather has been mixed up. Actually, the pattern itself is not unusual for Virginia in the summer. We have hot, humid days and the threat of thunderstorms. But high temperatures hit earlier this year, and the nights have been warmer than usual.

By now you probably heard that many parts of the world are experiencing record high temperatures. Climate change is here and it isn’t pleasant. 

Although we are officially in a drought, we have had just enough rain to water the plants. Rivers are low, though.

When I walked Charlie this evening, there was a pretty sky to the north, although the sky in the south was covered with dark rain clouds. The rain didn’t start though, at least not yet. 




  1. I do not look forward to the summer in southern hemisphere.

  2. ...it is HOT here! Mother nature has planted some nice gardens for you.

  3. Beautiful shots. We had rain in the night, but need more.

  4. Nice sky shots! Love the wildflowers!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. Beautiful skies. Have a great weekend.

  6. Beautiful photos!!
    Yep, it is plain to see that we are in a warming condition climatewise. So many people, especially in the oil and gas business are busy cherry picking data and talking about the climate scams and all that. Others are talking about human ingenuity and adaptiveness will overcome.
    It's just all blah blah blah to me.

  7. Beautiful photos. We have rain off and on all week but no hot temps.

  8. Wildflowers are enjoying the weather it seems.

  9. I did read about the record breaking heat, which is very scary. Your photos are beautiful.

  10. Your first sky picture was so pretty, as were the wildflowers. The record worldwide highs are scary. We will argue our way into oblivion, I fear, rather than face this fact head on and do something about it in time. It may already be too late. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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