June 24, 2023

Linkups and Pets

For Saturday’s Critters, I decided to show you my ophthalmologist's dog. Last time I saw her, she was a little puppy, but this week she was big and still spending workdays in his office. She greets the patients and plays with dog toys.
For Weekend Reflections, I have a picture I took today in Woodstock. Then I’m going to turn this over to Charlie because I am tired and need a nap.

Hello, it’s Charlie. I went to Woodstock with Mom, but I didn't like that she put me in a harness so I took it off in the car. 

In other news, the yellow cat is still my friend.

Isn’t she pretty? She walks slow because she has three legs instead of four, but she gets where she wants to go.

Well, Mom said she is going to bed so I am going back to sleep. Be good!


  1. Not sure how that reflection ends up on the window at all

  2. Hello
    The doggie in the doctor's office is cute, a nice greeter. Charlie your Mama is going to need to buy cases of harnesses for you to use in the car. Cute photos of you and the kitty. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. We are so happy you are still getting on with the three-legged kitty!

  4. Perhaps not everyone would be happy to be greeted by a dog when visiting the ophthalmologist.

  5. ...I've never seen a dog in a doctor's office.

  6. Oh my goodness... an escapee!!

  7. I think it's really good that Charlie and the kitty get along with each other.

  8. If my ophthamologist had such a cute helper, I would look forward to those visits. LOL

    Woodstock looks like a nice, quiet place.

    Charlie, we guess you weren't happy about having to wear that harness. Now you mom will have to buy you a new one. :(

  9. The investment in Charlie's harnesses probably never occurred to your mind when you adopted him. Charlie, what's your mom going to do when she can't buy any more harnesses so you can go with her places? Oh well, that's not in his mind at all I'm sure. Great reflected window/house.

  10. Charlie is smart but a little naughty!! And possibly expensive re replacing the harness!! Gorgeous tho!

  11. Great pics! Nice reflection.

  12. I'm glad you had Charlie do some of the blog stuff. Charlie, keep up the good work. And your door window makes for good Reflection.
    Thanks for peeking in on me. I can never remember that our ducks are Muscovy Ducks, but I know that.


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