April 22, 2023

What Day is This?

April 22 is Marie's birthday, National Beagle Day, and Earth Day.

Marie is my younger daughter. She is a world traveler, a published author, and currently the Editor-in-Chief at DC Comics.

My dog Charlie is a beagle. I got him in September. He was rescued from a large breeding facility where dogs were not treated properly.

Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970. It reminds us to take care of the environment. Here we see volunteers fixing up the community garden in Strasburg. I read that a church group built raised beds that will be used for growing vegetables. These will be donated to help feed hungry people. 

Today is also Saturday, and a blog hop called Saturday Critters encourages bloggers to share animal photos. Fortunately, I saw a few critters besides Charlie when it wasn’t raining today.

The robin was perched on a roof this morning. The cows were kind enough to pose when I stopped to take pictures of mist rising in the distance.


  1. Hello,
    Great critters, I love the robin, the cows and most of all your cute Charlie. Happy Birthday to Marie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. Happy birthday, Marie. You have done well in life.

  3. Great critter shots...and so happy to hear about Earth Day activities. You must be very proud of your daughter!

  4. I definitely have heard more about Earth Day than about Beagle Day (or your daughter’s birthday). My best wishes to both honorees — dog and daughter!

    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. Beagle Day, that is news to me. cute!! Happy Birthday to your daughter, she sounds super awesome!! i love comics. what fun!! ( ;

  6. So glad to see this beagle being well cared for.

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Beagle Day, Charlie.

  8. I love Charlie and the cow photos too. Happy Birthday to Marie!

  9. Excellent shots and I love the reflection picture!


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