April 13, 2023

One Bedroom, One Bath, Nice Kitchen

My rental property in Edinburg is ready to be leased out. I am very tired from cleaning it and touching up the paint today. This year I am listing it through a realtor. I just don't have the energy to talk to a bunch of people and then go over and wait at the apartment until they show up, or maybe they don’t show. And my dog does not like it when I leave him unless I put him in day care.

 Here’s a close-up of the yellow pansies out front. The irises are just about to bloom. I will show a picture of them from last year.
Garden Affair / Flowers

Skywatch: Contrails Seen from Edinburg.


  1. Hello,
    Looks like a beautiful property! Love the flowers and sky capture. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. Hope it gets rented quickly to good tenants who take care of it and pay their rent on time.

  3. This house looks fine. I`m sure you find another user. The blooms are perfect for


    if you like? I would be delighted.

  4. Nice property, hope it rents quickly with some nice tenants.

  5. It looks like a nice property to rent and I would appreciate the flower plantings if I was a prospective tenant. Hope the real estate agent finds you a good tenant. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Gorgeous home. Hope the realtor works out for you. It sooo hard to do it yourself!

  7. Good looking apartment building...and pretty flowers!

  8. Time marches on. Realtor can manage it for you. More time for your dog. Good decision.

  9. Beautiful Irises and pansies . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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