March 1, 2023

Comfort Food

The City Daily Photo theme for March 1st is Comfort Food. One of my comfort foods is meatloaf from Cracker Barrel Restaurant. There aren't many restaurant meals that I can have due to food allergies, so I'm happy to be able to get this. 

One of Charlie's favorite foods is a plain cheeseburger from Wendy's. I usually break one into pieces and feed them by hand as bribes, either for taking medicine or for riding in the car. 

Many birds enjoy the seeds and suet that I put in feeders during winter months. Here we see a female cardinal and a downy woodpecker (also female). 

Squirrels like bird seed too, especially sunflower seed.



  1. If you feed birds, you feed squirrels. Everything has to eat.

  2. Hello,
    Hubby and I both love meatloaf too. Charlie is so cute, I am sure he loves the cheeseburgers. Pretty birds and photos. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Meatloaf is good. Had it last evening on a panini bun from the deli I go to.

  4. Having comfort food available is a must!

  5. That meatloaf looks yummy. Simple but one of my favorite main courses.

  6. Meatloaf is truly a comfort food!!

  7. Interesting to see that as restaurant food.


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