January 6, 2023

More Views along the North Fork

Here is a view that I've shared before, but the way it appears changes in different seasons and hours of the day. Since this is a fairly calm section of the Shenandoah River, it reflects the sky above it, which of course changes constantly.

We are looking upriver from the low-water bridge on Hollingsworth Road. In the distance is a suspension bridge for pedestrians, provided for them to cross the river when the low bridge is flooded. The state highway department maintains a number of bridges like this.

Next we see a different view of the river. This one is from a boat landing in Seven Bends State Park.

At times I complain about winter, especially when the days are cold and gray. But we do get some sunny days and pretty skies.

I hope my readers are not getting tired of my pictures of the river and the park. By summer I should be able to travel farther, providing that my dog either gets over his separation anxiety or learns to ride in the car fearlessly. 


  1. ...I like the reflection with a bit of shimmer.

  2. Great photos! Nope not tired of them.

  3. Who could tire of these beautiful images?

  4. Beautiful scenes and photos. I really love the second photo. Have a happy weekend!

  5. Keep on snapping whatever appeals to you, as it's a great treat for me, looking at my somewhat drab vistas these days! Hope Charlie can begin to enjoy your trips to see other areas.

  6. What stunning images, so Beautiful in their simplicity... That's our Wonderful Nature!
    Thank you dearest Linda, your posts are always so heartwarming!
    Sending hugs and more hugs to you

  7. Your winter pictures from along the river show off pretty, but bleak without the other seasons' tree leaves. The top one gets my vote. We have low water bridges too in the Texas Hill Country. That doesn't work here in the southeast part, too much low land.

  8. What nice pictures - we have had a very wet spring, and some of our rivers are still holding a lot of water. Its a bit out of the ordinary. Cheers - SM - Melbourne

  9. i always think that i am gonna write a comment on your 1st post but then i come 2 the second. love you views. hope you are well this week. ice is falling here. you take care. ( ;


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