January 13, 2023

Four More from Skyline Drive

Tuesday, Shenandoah National Park

Like many mountain roads, building Skyline Drive involved dynamiting sections of rock. Underground springs still seep through the rocks and freeze into long ice formations in the winter. 

There weren't many people up there. These folks were returning to their car from a hike.

I also saw a couple eating a picnic inside a camping van, with a dog looking out the door. The campgrounds are closed in the winter though.


  1. Yes, we see similar sights along some roads - though not usually so much ice. Nice shots, and I like the reflection in your last image.

  2. Ice formations like that are a common sight here.

  3. Good for those who got out and took a hike.

  4. ...those rock cut look like they could be in the Adirondacks.

  5. Nice mirror shot, I like it.

  6. I like the reflection in your last photograph.

    All the best Jan

  7. We get similar frozen outcrops also on road cuts.

    I built a pipeline in Arkansas years ago. It was during a cold spell and the ground was quite wet and the water froze in the sides of the ditch.

  8. Beautiful in winter too~ have never been in your beautiful state in this season but I have seen ice-falls in the Columbia Gorge in Oregon.


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