August 21, 2022

Meeting by the White Barn

Last Saturday I attended a public meeting at Seven Bends State Park. Members of our committee and Ranger Megan gave updates on progress at the park, which is still being developed.

I took a few pictures in portrait mode. The photos of Juli and Megan turned out well.

A butterfly landed on my car window.

This I believe: Although people have their differences, there are always things that we can agree upon. Whether we agree on recreation, clean rivers, saving butterflies, or helping lost pets, we can work together and get things done.


  1. I agree with your sentiments Linda. You had a lovely day for your neighbourly meeting.

  2. Let's all work together to preserve, protect and treasure nature. We need its healing power more than ever.

  3. Hello,
    Wonderful outings and photos. I agree, we must work together. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  4. i love finding these "LOVE" signs throughout VA. so creative. i have one i see on our walks is all fishing related materials so cool. happy week for ya. foggy this AM ...the humidity is higher than Maine ...we got back from a quick like 4-day trip ...500 plus on each going and coming back. all good. safe travels. but we are missing those loons. such a pleasant peaceful call. ( :

  5. The park sounds like a wonderful asset in your area, Linda! I love your sentiments--the world definitely needs more kindness and mutual cooperation.


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