July 18, 2022

A Long Mural at Jack Brown’s

Harrisonburg, VA

This mural is it Jack Brown’s Beer and Burger Joint. On the day that I got the first picture, the outdoor cafe was crowded with diners and I couldn’t even get a good view of the entire mural. Several weeks later, I went back on a day when there was a light rain and got more photos because no one was outside.

I took a panorama shot but it flattened out to a curved look. At least this gives you an idea of the overall subject.



  1. ...I'd like a burger and fries please.

  2. Great mural...I loved the leopard bra on the gnome's hat!

  3. I'm impressed that you were so persistent and got a really good photo of the whole mural! Neat one.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Great mural. The first is good and I am glad you went back for the whole mural. That is a beautiful mural.

  5. What a cool mural! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  6. It's great that you got a picture of the section and then the whole mural. Well done!

  7. The center area with the animals reminded me of a Dali painting. The rest is pure American food with a great twist. Very, very well done, Linda.

  8. That's a very impressive mural. Wonderful colours and very striking images.

  9. Those burgers and fries look tempting - I'm hungry.

  10. Glad you showed the panorama photo. Lovely mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.


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