June 4, 2022

Loudoun Critters

Saturday Critters. Here we see some animals that I met in Loudoun County, starting with a cat that fell victim to some artistic effects.


Mr. Fig had a sign introducing him to visitors to his farm. Perhaps he got tired of being called a cow. He seemed friendly.

Next we see a dog that did not seem so friendly. I guess he was protecting his territory. 

The fox in the fifth image is a statue.

While I am at it, let me share a street scene in Purcellville. This was near the  shop where I saw that fox.


  1. Hello, Linda
    Love your critters, Mr Fig the cow is my favorite. The fox and Caturday are both cute images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and Happy Sunday, have a great new week.PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  2. Mr Figs looks like Mrs Fig to me, but perhaps she has gender identity issues. A thoroughly modern cow.

  3. don't ya love it when the animals look happy. health and cared for. so fun!! ( ;

  4. Lovely artwork kitty! That fox statue is cool, but we get the real deal routinely walking through our yard overnight. Dad loves to see who shows up on our doorbell camera at night.

  5. I enjoyed how you depicted variety in the black cat's coat...they usually just are black blobs! I am happy to see Mr. Fig is being kept as a pet...rather than turned into hamburger.

  6. I usually do not like artistic additions to photos, but that cat is perfect, beautifully done!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. I hope that kitty has a home.

  8. Lovely pics - and We specially like the artistic effects on the kitty!

  9. Great image of the cat. I love those special effects in my iPhone that let me do that cartoon rendering in photos. I’ll have to try it on critters!

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  10. we recently saw a fox sitting right on our front doorstep, it was so odd!! that is a beautiful black cat!!

  11. Mr. Fig is quite a character! And I love that fox...wish I could see a real one here in FL. I love foxes!

  12. A nice selection of critters.

    All the best Jan


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