May 30, 2022

Every Picture tells a Story

But sometimes it’s hard to read.

This mural can be seen from Wolfe Street in Harrisonburg. It faces the railroad tracks. It is rich in symbols but I don’t know what the artist was trying to say. Any ideas?

Monday Murals 

A signature is on the left and says The Night Owl. I looked that up and found artist Mickael Brock. His story is interesting.

Next to the mural is bakery and then a brew house, which has a creative paint job.


  1. ...there will always be uses for old gas stations.

  2. The mural is interesting, the brew houses are popping up everywhere. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. Too bad there's not a plaque outlining the artist's intent.

  4. I'd like to know the message...but just seeing the lion and person heads means something to me.

  5. They are both colourful. Wish I knew what those symbols meant. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  6. Interesting murals. The greater and greater number of street art installations is very gratifying to see.

    best... mae at

  7. At first, I thought the symbols were native American, but once I enlarged the photo, I don't believe that. It looks a bit like evolution is occurring with the man and the lion, but I am not sure why instead of a monkey. it's a very confusing and thought provoking mural, Linda.

    Nice use for an old gas station.

  8. It is eye catching. My comments seem to be disappearing, as I know I commented on this.


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