April 21, 2022

Skyline Drive, a Snowman Tour

Yesterday I had a dental appointment in Front Royal and I could see that the mountains were still frosted with snow. I bought a burger at Spelunkers and drove on Skyline Drive as far as Skyland. 

The first small snowman I saw made me smile so I took a picture. Then I saw another one. 

It was beautiful up there. Something about the Blue Ridge always lifts my spirits. 

The temperature was mild although about ten degrees cooler than it was in town. 

Lake Arrowhead near Luray

Signs 2


  1. Love the snowmen! Pretty views of Shenandoah!
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  2. Still a lot of snow at those high elevations.

  3. ...we can still get some snow, but with every passing day it becomes less likely.

  4. First, a great Selfie! Loved the mountains with snow...and snowmen. So cool that family was picnicking in the snow! I often find going into town, a half mile, is warmer than where I live perched on the side of a big hill (not big enough to be called a mountain!)

  5. Amo fotos de frio intenso, neve.
    Mas não gosto de frio, não sobreviveria em um lugar assim.
    Já me deprimo e sofro muito com o inverno daqui.
    Por mim só moraria em lugar de verão o ano todo!

    Lindas fotos, bj

  6. I like that the doggie noticed the photographer.

  7. You may have snow, but you've also got Redbuds in bloom. We're hoping ours will have a few blooms this year.

  8. I have some friends who watched the sun rise on Easter Sunday morning from Humpback Rocks.

  9. I was very fortunate to be able to visit your page.


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