April 4, 2022

Random-osity from Staunton to S.U.

Good, Random, and Fun - It's been a while since I did one of these posts.

We'll start with a long mural I saw in Staunton when I was there with Lynn. This is on the side on the ReStore, which sells used or unneeded building supplies with profits going to Habitat for Humanity.

Panoramic View. Sharing with Monday Murals.

At the end of the parking lot. I noticed murals painted on the Jersey walls.

On Saturday I attended a Civil War seminar at Shenandoah University in Winchester.  The topic was "Beyond the Mere Routine of Everyday Life": Encounters and Experiences during the Civil War." All the speakers were excellent. Jonathan Noyalas was the first speaker, sharing "Union Soldiers' Encounters with the Shenandoah Valley's Enslaved."

Alonzo Quint (Chaplain of 2d Massachusetts Infantry) said that eight months on slave soil "has made me feel that it is slaveholding itself that is the sin." He observed that most soldiers now "detest slavery, and mean to fight it."
During the lunch break I took a short walk and photographed some of the spring flowers on the campus.

Mosaic Monday / Blue Monday


  1. Habitat for Humanity will be Jimmy Carter's legacy.

  2. ...our ReStore needs some sprucing up!

  3. I would have enjoyed that seminar I bet! Loved learning the Jersey walls name. I've just called them concrete barricades. I'll ask my New Jersey friend if she calls them that too!

  4. That Civil War seminar sounds very interesting.
    The Spring flowers are beautiful.

  5. Linda - a lovely collage of Spring flowers! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!


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