April 8, 2022

High Water at Chapman's Landing

This afternoon I dropped off some things at a charity shop and then went to Landfill Road to do my recycling. On the way home I decided to make a short detour to see the river at Chapman's Landing. "Road Closed - High Water" warned a sign. I cautiously drove to the nearby parking area.

It's a boating and fishing spot where Narrow Passage Creek meets the Shenandoah. The water was high and easing into the parking lot. Parking is restricted here but I have a state fishing license so that I can legally park at boat landings. I don't fish; I just take pictures.

Nearby is a low-water bridge that crosses the Shenandoah. Part of it was underwater, not only making it possible to get swept into the river but also making it impossible to see if the road has been damaged by the flooding. 

There are homes and farms on the other side of the river and when the river rises, residents are forced to either stay home or walk across a nearby swinging bridge. To the east is the Massanutten Range and it would be a strenuous hike to get out that way. 

Skywatch / Reflections

Virginia bluebells like the damp soil near rivers and they are blooming now.

Nearby is the Narrow Passage Inn and I stopped in their driveway to take a few pictures. I don't know what the pink flowers are but the yellow bushes are forsythia.

Friday Bliss / Garden Affair / Floral Friday


  1. What a beautiful series of photos! Love your black and white.

  2. Those Virginia Bluebells are exquisite.

  3. I've never seen (or heard of) Virginia Bluebells. They're gorgeous!

  4. ...I haven't seen flooding here this year!

  5. I was really surprised this morning to read where the C&O Canal NHP has closed the Billy Goat Trail, Section A, due to high water.

  6. The water is high ...
    I do like the Virginia Bluebells, I don't think I've ever seen any before.

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful skywatch photos. It would be very scary to be trapped by flood waters without anyway out!

  8. Is that actually a Redbud in bloom?

  9. It would be terrible to be isolated because of spring floods. Pretty pics.

  10. Wow ! Beautiful shots , I loved your blooms. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  11. I hate low water crossings except when the water is really, really low.

  12. What a lovely blue flower! I was overwhelmed by the beauty of nature.


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