April 2, 2022

Birds, A Dog, and a Squirrel

Sometimes in the evening a flock of birds settles in a tall tree in my back yard but after a few minutes they fly off, only to return a few minutes later and repeat the process. I think they are starlings but I only see them in silhouette. 

The rest of today's pictures are from a year ago. The two cardinals are so bright you might miss seeing the sparrow sitting between them. 

The dog walking with a woman looks like a boxer to me. He appeared to enjoy his walk.

The final image shows a squirrel backlit by late afternoon sunlight. 


  1. Hello,:=) Lovely captures Linda. I did not see the Sparrow at first, it is well camouflaged,and it's an unusual image. Love your beautifully lit Squirrel photo, and the Cardinal decorated feeder.
    All the best.

  2. Hello Linda,
    I like the photo of the 2 Cardinals with the Sparrow.
    The lighting on the squirrel is pretty. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. You are right, I might have missed the White-throated Sparrow.

  4. That sparrow is definitely well camouflaged. Great post today.
    Thanks for linking & sharing!
    ~Anni @ I'd rather B Birdin'

  5. I think you're right that they are Starlings. And I spotted the White-throated Sparrow.

  6. Beautiful birds all, plus a very happy squirrel.

  7. Nice photos!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  8. Beautiful birds, and the Squirrel, at home. Cheers Linda.

  9. The squirrel is caught in the act.

  10. Lovely photos today, especially that cute little squirrel.

  11. Cardinals are beautiful birds, but they don't come our way. - Margy


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