March 31, 2022

There’s a Plaque for a Fanny Stone

In front of the parking lot for Woodstock's Municipal Offices is a tall stone and a historical marker.  It is actually titled Fanny Stone.

This stone was originally used to keep carriages and buggy traffic from turning too sharply onto the very narrow street called Effinger's Alley, now known as Locust Street. The stone reportedly received its name because local folks would sit on it and visit with their parents and neighbors.

Well, now there's a bench nearby where you can sit.  Also nearby are some quaint shops, including this vintage decor shop called Three French Hens. 

Signs / Skywatch


  1. I love hearing about a fanny stone. Those early folks had little enough chance to sit still, so it's great they at least had a perch on that stone!

  2. An interesting and whimsical part of history.

  3. ...this seem to be the forerunner of our guard rails. Neat!

  4. Interesting history about the Fanny stone.

  5. thanks, for that link, that was a huge amount of info. wow. enjoyed the read. so cool. have a great weekend. so so windy. ( ;

  6. What a great name and interesting backstory!!

  7. That's pretty cool, Love the backstory on the stone.

  8. Fanny Stone - I like the backstory! I wonder how many people pass by that stone each day and never look at the plaque. Alana

  9. Interesting bit of history!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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