March 4, 2022

March is Mild So Far

Our weather has been really nice this week, but of course that will change. Now it is Friday so allow me to catch up by posting miscellaneous recent pictures, starting with a reflection and street scene in Strasburg. 

The black and white landscape is near Woodstock, looking toward the Massanutten Mountains.

A money tree sounds like a good investment, doesn't it? I didn't fall for it though. My mother told me money doesn't grow on trees!

I haven't seen much blooming outdoors yet, just some pansies that looked recently planted. My daffodil plants have buds, though.

Floral Friday / Garden Affair / Friday Bliss


  1. Linda - I will take one of those money trees, just in case!

  2. I want a money tree, too! Nice pics, wishing a sunny weekend.

  3. ...when I was in the nursery business, I found that money did grow on trees!

  4. We received a gift of a money tree from our local credit union a few years ago. Better they had given us a better rate of interest on our investments!

  5. It's a nice collection of photos - like the first one with store windows - that's hard to get. Have a great weekend!

  6. We've also had warm weather, and are headed into a week of frequent ever spring should be!

  7. Apparently our temperatures are going to 10C tomorrow before dipping back below freezing.

  8. I´m sucker for street photography. So can´t nothing but love the first one.

  9. I like the street shot with reflections!

  10. Lovely pansies ! The last snap is outstanding. Thanks for sharing with Garden affair.


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