March 20, 2022

East of Edinburg

Shenandoah County, VA

There was a sign pointing down a side road to a church so I decided to drive out and take a picture for the weekly church photo linkup.

I found the Waterbrook Brethren Church, a substantial brick building with mountain views. It does not look very old. 

To return to town, I drove past Creekside Campground and crossed Stoney Creek on a small bridge.


  1. ...beautiful countryside.

  2. How lovely, each and every one! Your stony creek is much flatter than our flat creek, which is much stonier!

  3. It doesn't look like a church, but given the denomination that's no surprise.

    1. Yes, they tend to be practical and not self-aggrandizing.

  4. What a delightful ride! You remind me that I need to get out more. Cheers!

  5. Your shadows of churches always fascinate me. I think there's always a struggle between the powers of darkness and the Light.


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