December 29, 2021

Today's Squirrel, Yesterday's Birds

Yesterday I put out some feeders and bird seed. Today I looked out and saw a squirrel. Of course! Squirrels are everywhere.

The rest of today's pictures are from my stash of unused images. Someone asked how I keep track. When I publish a photo here, I mark it with four stars in Adobe Bridge. I have a system for stars. When I first review them, I award a single star to a good picture, two stars for very good, three stars mean I used it in a collage or on Facebook, and four means I posted it on my blog. This only works if I saved the picture to my computer. If I post them straight from my iPhone, they get a heart.

Eventually I delete the used pictures because they take up space. They continue to exist here on the blog and in my biannual blog books, plus they are on my back-up drive. 

The robin was marked with two stars. The wren was only one star but it looked better after I cropped it. 

Canada Geese in flight.


  1. Count on a squirrel to know where the buffet is.

  2. Always good to keep track of your pictures one way or another.

  3. ...some days the squirrels leave a bit of food for the birds at my feeders.

  4. I really hoped that robin and wren were smiling at you...maybe they were! Squirrel was happy to get a full stomach!

  5. The squirrel and robin are my favourite pictures ...

    All the best Jan

  6. Squirrels eat a lot more bird food at hour house than what the birds ever do.


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