September 24, 2021

Shenandoah County Again

Massanutten Mountains Seen from Hawkins Road.

Flowers after a Shower.

And here is the duplex where the flowers are.

Woodstock, Virginia. 


  1. The landscape in your first photo is so peaceful & beautiful.

  2. Es precioso el paisaje y las flores del jardín, tiene bonitos colores y se ven muy bien cuidadas.

  3. ...I love the mountain scene.

  4. Love the first shot, it seems the mountains go on forever.

  5. That huge mountain range is definitely part of the scenery from most of that valley. Pretty flowers!

  6. Such pretty countryside in the first photo. Beautiful sky, too!

  7. What a pretty reflection on the mountain. Each mountain has its own character and that was my favorite (as much as I enjoy flowers.)Alana

  8. Greetings and Salutations! The Massanutten Mountains as background is just beautiful!

  9. Beautiful Landscape, loved the beautiful blooms. Thanks for joining in Garden affair.


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