August 16, 2021

Yesterday in Warrenton

We drove to Warrenton for a belated celebration of David's birthday. He is married to Frank's middle daughter.

After lunch I went into the historic district to find a mural. Four months ago I posted a related mural and learned that it was one of three history-themed murals by Stewart White. I wanted to find at least one of the other ones. It turned out to be on a different side of the same building.
Here are some close-ups of the mural. The scene is meant to depict Mosby's Rangers, with Mosby sending a message to Jeb Stuart. You can read about this at Three Murals by Stewart Burgess White.
Monday Murals / Mosaic Monday

Here's a new photo of the one I posted in April. 

The third mural is no longer really viewable due to another building that now stands next to it. 


  1. Linda - FABULOUS! A painting of this scene would be incredible, but to paint it in mural size is beyond imagining! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  2. A shame about the newer building making things difficult.

  3. Historical murals are always nice.
    What a pity about the third mural that is now difficult to photograph.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  4. Very nice murals...I hope someone got some good photos of the one that's now hidden.


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