August 6, 2021

Three Pictures: Lilies, Windows, and Clouds.

These lilies are sometimes called "naked ladies" because they have no leaves when the flowers are blooming.

The organic gardening business in Strasburg is for sale. 

The sky late today.


  1. The lilies look pretty and so does the sky. Is it a distress sale due to the pandemic?

  2. leaves, that interesting.

  3. Hello,
    The lilies are pretty. Lovely sky shot.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Greetings and Salutations! Lilies are so pretty and without leaves. Great sky image.

  5. I will be able to tell Miriam that I want naked ladies in the garden next year!

  6. Surprise lilies aka naked ladies are all blooming around here, sure sign of late summer. They smell amazing though don't do well in a vase. Beautiful sky. Hope someone buys and keeps the organic gardening store going. Have a great Saturday!

  7. Thanks for these lovely photos - I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said. I hope the Organic shop is sold and can continue in business.

  8. Those naked ladies are nice. I hope that the organic gardening business finds a buyer. Small businesses are hard to market.

  9. Beautiful Naked Ladies... wait, that sounds... well, you know what I mean! Pretty sky shot too.

  10. The naked ladyi is a beauty and the sky serene. Happy weekend.

  11. Que lindo leque de fotografias!
    Um beijinho no seu coração!
    Megy Maia🌼🌼🌼


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