June 30, 2021

House Sparrows on a Railing



  1. So cute! There's something about house sparrows that makes us smile. :)

  2. "Thank you for putting up the fence for us to sit on, Mr. Frank!"

  3. Birds - my favourite friends and I can watch them all day. The pale sparrow is almost like the ones here. They come into my garden and eat the grass seeds every morning and evening. I like all their chattering when they come in a large group. We don't have the dark brown backed one here.

  4. Cute shots of the Sparrows!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. ...talk about being on the fence!

  6. That male House Sparrow looks like a fine, handsome specimen. How could a female resist his charms?

  7. They are great to listen to as well~

  8. Wonderful captures of the House Sparrow. Looks like he has something to say.


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